Factors That Can Affect The Intra-rater Reliability

There are several factors that might affect the intra-rater reliability;
  • Time
v  Time allocated for marking is a huge factor in intra-rater reliability. As example, if a longer time is allocated for the marker, it can help the marker to focus more and avoiding only certain papers at the early part of the marking session to be marked with care.
  • Marker’s condition.
v  Fatigue and unable to focus are habitual factor involving markers. Marker’s condition can play a vital role in intra-rater reliability, as it can compromise marker’s judgment during the marking.
  • Experience.
v  Less experience is another common factor in language marking. A good examiner must have in-depth understanding on the subject, and able to give unyielding evaluation under several circumstances. Thus, marker’s experience in marking is another significant factor in intra-rater reliability.

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